Agent Chamber

Agent Chamber

Chamber is a Sentinel-class agent in the game but it has been a community-wide debate for a very long time if he fits this role. While most other Sentinel agents come with plenty of defensive utilities, Chamber’s kit mostly consists of aggressive abilities. This made him the go-to pick for aggressive plays and Riot rolled out a number of updates to Chamber during his existence in the game. The most recent update almost made him a new agent and here is how his current ability kit goes.

Agent Chamber's Skills and Abilities


200 Credits


PLACE a trap that scans for enemies. When a visible enemy comes in range, the trap counts down and then destabilizes the terrain around them, creating a lingering field that slows players caught inside of it. It has a proximity radius of 40m and gets disabled when Chamber steps out of it.


150 Credits per Bullet


ACTIVATE to equip a heavy pistol. ALT FIRE with the pistol equipped to aim down sights.




Place a teleport anchor. While on the ground and in range of the anchor, REACTIVATE to quickly teleport to the anchor. The anchor can be picked up to be REDEPLOYED.

Tour De Force

8 Ultimate points


ACTIVATE to summon a powerful, custom sniper rifle that will kill any enemy with any direct hit. Killing an enemy creates a lingering field that slows players caught inside of it.

Chamber is a walking arsenal equipped for every situation that can possibly arise. This French Agent’s real name is Vincent Fabron and as most can picture, he’s a well-dressed man. Chamber is considered a walking arsenal because he is actually a weapons designer and always comes to combat armed with his own creations. In fact, he even used to be the weapons designer for the Kingdom Defense! He is an incredibly diligent agent that comes equipped for every situation that he could encounter on the battlefield. Chamber joined the VALORANT Protocol around 11-AFL as the eighteenth agent.

In VALORANT, Chamber’s abilities are designed to cover all bases. Regardless of being on attack or defense, Chamber is ready for what life throws at him; c’est la vie! As a result, Chamber sees himself slotted into the role of Sentinel in VALORANT. Sentinels are designed to set up impenetrable defenses around key areas and provide utility for holding angles and preventing flanks simultaneously. Therefore, Chamber is exceptional for both attack and defense rounds.

Fun Fact: Shortly after joining the VALORANT Protocol, Chamber introduced Brimstone to Neon, who would end up being the next recruited agent (as noted by a voice line.)

Chamber’s Abilities

Chamber is a Sentinel-class agent in the game but it has been a community-wide debate for a very long time if he fits this role. While most other Sentinel agents come with plenty of defensive utilities, Chamber’s kit mostly consists of aggressive abilities. This made him the go-to pick for aggressive plays and Riot rolled out a number of updates to Chamber during his existence in the game. The most recent update almost made him a new agent and here is how his current ability kit goes.

Agent Chamber Abilities Overview

Chamber is a very versatile Agent that can hold off angles and corners with ease. He rarely runs out of ammo as he has his backup weapons, this also makes him very economical. However, Chamber might not be as powerful as he used to be a few months ago but the Sentinel agent finally fits into his original role. Here is a quick guide on how to use his abilities more effectively.

Tips for using Chamber’s Trademark (C)

  • Trademark’s current most basic use is to watch over flanks. It can be used on the flanks to act as a level of security when pushing to the site on offense. However, on defense, Chamber should look to cover an angle of the site with the Trademark while he is holding an angle for a second entrance to the site.
  • Apart from that, a more advanced use of the Trademark is to control areas in the center of the map to have priority over rotations. It can also be used to zone areas of a site to act as a buffer for when enemies breach the site and defenders need assistance rotating.

Tips for using Chamber’s Headhunter (Q)

  • Chamber’s Headhunter is on par with the powerful Sheriff pistol or even better. A Chamber player should use Headhunter as the secondary weapon more often and not bother purchasing one. On offense, Chamber’s Headhunter can provide utility in both long- and short-range combat.
  • Using the Headhunter as his short-range weapon and purchasing a long-range weapon is ideal in defense scenarios since he can hold a single angle and react to the Trademark with the Headhunter.
  • More advanced Chamber players will instead use Headhunter as the long-range weapon and purchase an SMG as the primary, especially in offensive rounds. On offense, an SMG will be better as it allows for better spray control with movement that usually occurs on offense.
  • Another great use scenario for the Headhunter is as a backup for an Operator. To avoid the period where you cannot fire because of the bolt-action of an Operator, when immediate action is needed from range, Headhunter can be used as follow-up immediately after.

Tips for using Chamber’s Rendezvous (E)

  • The most common use of Rendezvous is to pre-emptively set up the anchor to quickly escape from the site entryway if Chamber ends up in danger. This also means that Chamber can easily hold an aggressive angle with a short-range weapon like a shotgun if he has set up the anchor to have an escape option if needed.
  • The Rendezvous used to be a great assistant in fast rotations. However, changes to this ability limited its teleport range and now the crazy fast rotations aren’t really an option. However, you can still prematurely set up the anchors to allow for an immediate change of positions to take enemies by surprise and give them a bit more challenging combat experience.

Tips for using Chamber’s Tour De Force (X)

  • Chamber can use Tour De Force when in need of a long-range weapon while attempting to gain priority over a longer entryway to the site. It is also a lifesaver when you run out of credits for a weapon best in the long-range.
  • This powerful sniper rifle is as powerful as the operator but its bolt-action is way faster in comparison. So it is the ideal weapon to take quick peaks in a long hallway/alley or an entrance. It is very efficient in defending the spike as well.
  • The best use of this ability on a full purchase round on defense is in combination with the Operator. Often, two attackers will peak at the same time to attempt to trade 1-for-1 with the Operator user. When done correctly, Chamber can use the Operator for a kill, escape danger with the Rendezvous to another angle, and instead of waiting for the bolt action of the Operator, can take out the Tour De Force and use that instead.

Agent Chamber Strategies Overview

Learning how Chamber’s abilities work simply does not make a good Chamber player. A good Chamber player should know how to use them effectively and build certain strategies with them to win rounds. Here are some great strategies you can try out to win more rounds with Chamber.

Basic Strategies for Pistol Rounds

On defense:

  • A basic strategy to pistol round defense on Chamber is to purchase one Trademark and use the remaining credits on Headhunter and not purchase any weapon. This is because he will still have access to the Classic. The combination allows Chamber to use Headhunter for range, and the ALT FIRE with the Classic for short range.

On offense:

  • Chamber players often only purchase ammo for Headhunter because the weapon is so powerful, and he still has access to the Classic.

Basic Strategies for Economic (eco) Rounds

On defense:

  • Chamber should purchase his abilities, and a Marshal or SMG depending on how he wishes to hold the site. Aggressively holding the site means the SMG is better. Otherwise, the Marshal will work well!

On offense:

  • Chamber should purchase a budget weapon, Light Armor, and a few rounds for Headhunter. Headhunter is incredibly valuable in economy rounds so a budget weapon to cover long or short-range fights depending on the map played.

Basic Strategies with Full Purchase Rounds

On defense:

  • Chamber should purchase Heavy Armor, all abilities, and a Phantom/Vandal or Operator. Chamber has exceptional utility because of his arsenal of weapons. So, it’s best to purchase whatever weapon the player feels will complement their defensive strategy for the round.

On offense:

  • Chamber should purchase Heavy Armor, all abilities, and a Phantom/Vandal or Operator. More likely than not, Operator will not be the better option because Chamber needs to be able to have short-range potency other than Headhunter.

More Advanced Strategies for Pistol Rounds

On defense:

  • An advanced Pistol round strategy is to purchase the Trademark and the rest of the credits used for Headhunter. This provides a good mix of utility with lockdown for a great defensive setup.

On offense:

  • Chamber players will usually purchase Light Armor and spend the rest on ammunition for Headhunter. The ammo for Headhunter provides great offensive pressure with a great option for trading shots when Chamber has the added layer of protection with the Light Armor.

More Advanced Strategies for Economic Rounds

On defense:

  • Chamber needs to prioritize Light Armor, Trademark, and Headhunter ammunition. With any remaining credits he can spend on an economy round, he can provide it to teammates to purchase weapons as he does not need anything additional.

On offense:

  • Chamber should consider only purchasing Light Armor, the Trademark, and Headhunter ammo. The single Trademark is useful for covering the flank, and any remaining credits Chamber could spend can be given to help teammates purchase a better option for the round.

More Advanced Strategies for Full Purchase Rounds

On defense:

  • Chamber should purchase all his abilities, Heavy Armor, and an Operator or Phantom/Vandal. Ideally, Chamber will purchase the Operator with this setup so he can Rendezvous immediately after a shot, similar to Jett using Tailwind.

On offense:

  • Chamber will similarly want to prioritize all abilities, Heavy Armor, and an Operator. He should use the Operator as the main weapon and can easily swap to Headhunter or Tour De Force for follow-up depending on the situation if needed. As always, setting up Rendezvous to quickly retreat off an angle if it’s getting too heated.

Final Thoughts on Chamber

Chamber’s kit surrounds the concept of a walking arsenal. Chamber is a well-suited and prepared Agent of tactical lethality. His strength is in his preemptive setup and rewarding players for seeing how fights are going before they start. The biggest advantage for Chamber is in pistol and economy rounds because Chamber barely suffers from low economy. He is also great for assisting and supporting teammates in combat and economically. It’s important as Chamber to always communicate when you’re able to help teammates purchase weapons for key rounds. Chamber is essentially self-sufficient with his abilities, so Chamber is always a worthwhile Agent to pick up for most of the team comps.

“None of this “a win is a win” nonsense. We should win big and look good doing it.”


Agent Chamber Agent Contract

Chapter 1

Tier 1 -

Tier 2 -

Valorant Chamber Card player title image

Tier 3 -

Charmer Title player title image

Tier 4 -

Seeing Double Spray player title image

Tier 5 -

Unlocking the Agent floxay player title image

Chapter 2

Tier 6 -

Call Me Buddy player title image

Tier 7 -

Chamber Spray player title image

Tier 8 -

High Class Title player title image

Tier 9 -

Joint Venture Card player title image

Tier 10 -

Finesse Classic Skin player title image